How is Lafuma committed to repairing your products for life?

Lafuma is committed to offering a lifetime repair service for your products in order to promote sustainability and reduce environmental impact. Repairing instead of replacing helps preserve natural resources and reduce waste. Here's how their repair service works, which products can be repaired, how their workshop works and some tutorials to help you make your own repairs.

How can repairing a product reduce its environmental impact?

In a world of over-consumption and waste, product repair plays a crucial role in reducing environmental impact. When we repair a product rather than throwing it away and buying a new one, we reduce the demand for new resources needed to manufacture these new products. This means less extraction of raw materials, less industrial production, and therefore less pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

According to a study by Goodloop and Lafuma, repairing a jacket reduces its environmental impact by 44%. This means that repairing a single jacket saves the equivalent of 10 liters of water, 0.2 kg of CO2 and 2 grams of waste.

What's more, repair reduces the amount of waste sent to landfill. Electronic products, for example, often contain toxic substances that can contaminate soil and water if not properly treated. By repairing and reusing these products, we help to reduce electronic waste and protect our environment.

Finally, repair promotes a circular economy where products are designed to be repaired, reused and recycled. This encourages companies to produce more durable goods, and encourages consumers to adopt more responsible and sustainable behaviors.

La réparation d’une veste a presque

How does repairing your product work?

Lafuma firmly believes in the durability and longevity of its products. That's why they have set up a lifetime repair service for their customers. Repairing your product is quick, easy and efficient. Just follow these simple steps:

1.Identify the problem: The first step is to identify the problem with your Lafuma product. Whether it's a broken zipper, torn seam or other defect, our team of experts is here to help.

2.Contact customer service: Once you've identified the problem, you can contact customer service via the Lafuma website or by phone. Provide a detailed description of the problem as well as photos if possible.

3. Shipping the product: After receiving approval from the expert team, you can send your product to our repair workshop. They will provide you with the necessary shipping instructions.

4. Repair: The expert repair team will assess the product and carry out any necessary repairs. They use genuine parts and follow strict repair methods to ensure your product is returned to its optimum condition.

5. Product return: Once the repair is complete, the repaired product will be sent to you. You can continue to enjoy your Lafuma equipment for many years to come.

Which products can be repaired?

Lafuma is committed to repairing a wide range of products. The repair service mainly covers the following items:

  • Jackets
  • Polar fleeces
  • Down jackets
  • Pants
  • Shorts
  • T-shirts
  • Shirts
  • Backpacks
  • Sleeping bags

Lafuma's expert team does its best to repair all products, however, some items may not be repairable due to their condition or the availability of spare parts. The aim is to find the best solution to extend the life of your products.

The Lafuma workshop

The Lafuma workshop is at the heart of the repair program. Located in France, it is staffed by a team of experts who are passionate about repair and durability. The technicians are trained to work with the materials and techniques specific to each Lafuma product, guaranteeing high-quality repairs.

The workshop is also equipped with the tools and machines needed to carry out precise and durable repairs. Whether it's replacing a zipper, repairing a seam or any other external element, they have the skills and expertise to bring your products back to life.

Tutorials for repairing your products

Lafuma also believes in autonomy and learning. That's why they offer a series of online tutorials to help you repair your products yourself. These tutorials cover a variety of common repairs and are designed to be accessible even to beginners.

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